Highlights of Past News Items

Jerry Vinkler Named Super Lawyer For 2012
Jerry Vinkler has once again stood above the rest with his work in medical malpractice law in Illinois. Mr. Vinkler has been honored as a Super Lawyer for 2012. This is Mr. Vinkler’s fourth consecutive award, having also been named in 2009, 2010 and 2011. This award designates Jerry Vinkler as one of the top 5% of all lawyers in Illinois.
Clearly, Mr. Vinkler’s outstanding work as an Illinois medical malpractice lawyer has distinguished him among his peers, gaining this level of attention and recognition. Candidates are selected using a multi-phased process, which includes both peer review and third-party research. This rigorous and multi-faceted process ensures that only the best are recognized for this prestigious award. Because of this, being named a Super Lawyer ensures only the highest level of work, respect and distinction in a lawyer’s field.
Jerry Vinkler’s work as an Illinois medical malpractice lawyer has been consistently stellar. Year after year, he has shown he is the gold standard in his region and field. This nomination is a testament to his excellent service and record. His fourth consecutive Super Lawyer award is just more proof that his peers have recognized his work. As an Illinois medical malpractice lawyer, Jerry Vinkler truly is a Super Lawyer.
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Awarded Illinois Leading Lawyer For 2012
Chicago personal injury lawyer, Jerome Vinkler, has been named Illinois Leading Lawyer for 2012. Mr. Vinkler has won this honorable award several years in a row for being one of the top Chicago personal injury lawyers in his state. This award is given only to lawyers who have been recommended most by their peers.
Illinois Leading Lawyer For 2011
Illinois medical malpractice lawyer, Jerry Vinkler, is named Leading Lawyer by his peers. Jerry Vinkler, an Illinois medical malpractice lawyer has again been named as a Leading Lawyer for 2011.
DuPage Bar Civil Law Committee
Jerry Vinkler presented a seminar to the DuPage County Bar Assocation regarding the changes to Supreme Court Rule 213. The seminar was held in Las Vegas in conjunction with the DuPage Bar Civil Law Committee.
DuPage Inns Of Court
Jerry Vinkler is a Board Member of the DuPage Inns of Court. He joined as a Master of the Bench in 2005. The Inns of Court is a national organization of jurists and lawyers designed to enhance high professional standards of legal practice and the thoughtful mentoring of younger attorneys. Mr. Vinkler is Chair of the DuPage Inns of Court Mentoring Committee in partnership with the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism. He is also Chair of Programming for the Inns.
Illinois Super Lawyer
Jerry Vinkler was selected by his peers as one of the 2009 Illinois Super Lawyers. Only five percent of the attorneys in Illinois are chosen each year. The nomination process includes a review of the attorney’s resume and an evaluation by his peers. Mr. Vinkler is honored to receive this designation.
DuPage Association Of Women Attorneys
Jerry Vinkler was the featured speaker for the DuPage Association of Women Attorneys. The speech was regarding Supreme Court Rule 213, entitled “Supreme Court Rule 213 Changes.”
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